Nikhil Deb


Nikhil Deb is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of Sociology at Murray State University and Shahjalal University (Bangladesh). He taught at six different institutions in the USA and Bangladesh, and his publications have appeared in several peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, such as Social Problems, Sociology of Development, Critical Sociology, and Environmental Sociology. He is currently co-editing a book titled Social Justice in the Global South.

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Socioenvironmental Injustice across the Global Divide: Slow Violence and Institutional Betrayal in Bhopal and Flint.” Sociology of Development.

Slow Violence and the Gas Peedit in Neoliberal India.” Social Problems.  (2019 Brent K. Marshall Graduate Student Paper Award, Section on Environment & Technology, SSSP)


My research broadly focuses on how political economic activities typically favor some human groups at the expense of other existing or future human groups or the environment. Specifically, I study the socioenvironmental effects of and resistance to market liberalization in Bangladesh and India. My research in India focuses on how the neoliberal turn in Indian governance played a crucial role in the production of many lingering consequences, evident in the 1984 Bhopal catastrophe in Bhopal. Currently, I have several papers  (a book project) investigating how climate-induced disasters have been leveraged to advance neoliberal agendas in Bangladesh.